
Did anyone read Lee Siegel’s article on press pool access in the Columbia Law Review yet? I really liked it, for the most part. Don’t know if this link will actually work but you can google it.

This is like the one time where I am hoping it’s just like in the movies, and some shadowy internal CIA group has already decided to keep everything important from him.

Why didn’t she just look up the sku number? It’s on the frigging website. This is bullshit.

Can you run to an urgent care and get a temporary 1 month scrip?

That is called Stonewalling. It is not your fault. It isn’t necessarily evidence that he doesn’t “like you”. It’s an avoidant coping style that may or may not be part of an emotionally abusive pattern. It is more commonly employed by men than women- supposedly. I hope this is helpful to you? I’m sending good vibes!

Can’t the store search it for you? Call them, you don’t even have to go in. Then they can send it to you.

FYI even before Obamacare there was something called a state high risk pool and I know that California and Washington retained them. I am pretty sure you will qualify for all kinds of public programs but just know there won’t be *nothing* potentially.

“I have not withdrawn into despair, I did not go mad in gathering honey, / I did not go mad, I did not go mad, I did not go mad.”Hoda Al-Namani, "I Remember I Was a Point, I Was a Circle"

The reason she dances like that now is because of a career ending knee injury. 

THANK YOU. Exactly.

ugh fucking kinja fail. I tried to upload “There is a sucker born every minute” from the musical Barnum.

Yeah. She’s not a fink like a lot of those people are. Plus, National Cake and Milk day.


And some of those intellectuals escaped to the University in Exile (a division of the NEW SCHOOL). Yes the very same one! Was created as a haven for scholars from Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy etc etc.

Godamn it. Google “so you feel like shit” an interactive self-care guide

partially disabled lol wut

Someone call Carl Sagan, because you deserve all the stars.