
Any investment in the future of our young people is a positive thing. Stop being such pessimist.

At the end of the day, nobody gives a damn about you or anyone but themselves, their family, and close friends. Any act to the contrary is a calculated illusion. Want to make the right choice for your representative, look for the one whose interests most align with yours. Can’t find one? Well then adjust your goals or

I would argue that parking spaces in SF are not a speculative investment.

Because there is a single message being communicated by the different editors.

Fake news identified on fishing forums? Never!

Like everything else, the answer is somewhere in the middle but we cannot get there for fear of the extremes by both sides preventing rational discussions.

California has been committing river piracy for decades and nothing bad ever happens here.

Doesn’t Yahoo still own 15% of Alibaba? Yahoo was a loser before she got there. Seems to me she did a pretty good job considering.

The problem is who gets to decide what is ok. And before you suggest the government, may I remind you who is in charge at this moment. Polite speech needs no protection. It is the dissenting view that needs protection no matter how disgusting or reprehensible we find it.

“picked up arms and waged war against his own nation”

I hope you’re being sarcastic.

There was already a good sized hole in it prior to man cutting the tunnel. Making it bigger probably didn’t help but it may have fallen anyway.

I’m sure there are many amazing advancements being made all over the globe. But they come at a cost. I am not suggesting that all advances come from the U.S. I am suggesting they come from investments not necessarily directly related to a patient’s care.

Universal health care is not of uniform cost/quality across all countries. If we lowered costs/quality it could be more in line with other nations that offer universal healthcare. But then where would advancements in treatment and techniques be developed?

I understand we all have different experiences. That was kinda my point. But is my suffering as a proxy on behalf of others’ legitimate suffering going to make a difference for them. Doubt it. Anyway, I hope everyone who had a great year has another and those who didn’t have a better one.

I am nearsighted.

“The consensus is that 2016 was a bad year”

Gravity is “outputting an equal force somewhere else”. Difference in mass account for the observations that gravity is only working one way. There was an article about the discovery of gravitational ways earlier this year that might interest you:

When I need to turn off a light in the other room I do what my dad did and his dad before that. I yell at my kids “turn off the damn lights when you’re not using them” and follow it up with “that costs money you know?!”.

7:26 run you fool!