
Don’t give up. He is going to lose!!

Fine. What’s with the Karen thing? That seems to what men are doing now whenever a woman disagrees with them. Calling them a Karen. Not nice!

That just happened to me. I disagreed with a man on The Root and his response was “Karen?”. I set him straight!

I am well aware that teachers require a license. They should. It’s an important job and requires accountability. My response was to the original poster who seems to think teaching a nothing job.

That’s funny! Just because I found your comment towards teachers denigrating I must be a Karen? Please! You could not be further from the truth.

Even a teacher needs a license? That’s offensive!

So true. What’s Happening was my fave!

Tried to get her to go on Tucker Carlson’s Show?  WTF!!

Not going to happen. Trump WILL lose.

I 100%  believe this happened but he should name names. Call out and publicly shame these assholes.

Let’s home he gets knocked on his ass so hard Jameis Winston has to takes his job.

She was a child at the time. Give her a break!

I would like to know how the show runner and the execs on Glee allowed Lea’s nonsense to go on.

More confirmation that Lea Michele is a horrible person.

Last night’s episode was so good. I did not miss the Molly drama one bit. I hope Issa and Lawrence get back together. They make a great couple.

He might have been wrong about Hong Kong but he is correct about everything else. Unlike that asshole Michael Jordan, he’s not afraid to offend Republicans!!!

I certainly hope that Biden and his team can see that she has played herself out of consideration for V.P.

And too young for him.

He not just a hater. He is incredibly dumb. Last year during the playoffs when the Celtic’s won that first game against the Bucks, his dumb ass proclaimed that it was over and that the Celtics were going to win the series. He was WRONG!

A couple more examples of knuckle dragging ignorant racists. American exceptionalism at its finest!