

Has to  be Juice by Lizzo.  That song is so good.

She certainly is.  The only thing that would have made it better is if she grabbed the mike and beat him upside his man bun with it.

You can’t just fire someone? Someone needs to introduce Lena to Shonda Rimes.

Reign of terror? Such hyperbole. Dell Curry jersey was an inspired choice. Get over it!!!

Yes. We get it. Everybody on Deadspin hates Drake. You know damn well you would give your right one to be him for 10 min!!!

Strongly disagree. Melissa can do anything - from comedy to drama!!!

This is some pathetic mean girls bullshit. These women were downright hostile to this man who was just looking for help. They should be ashamed of themselves.

I know I always flat iron my hair within an inch of it’s life and wear a full face of make up when I go fishing.

She should definitely press charges. I am calling bullshit on the photographer’s story.

Here is another case of both things being true.  Moby is a creep and Natalie did date him. We have all have that guy in out dating history where we look back and say “What was I thinking dating this asshole”.

Plenty of Democrats are personally pro-life but respect the right of others to make that choice for themselves. The problem with a lot of anti-choice people is that they feel they have to right to decide for others. You do what is best for you and don’t interfere with another person’s right to choose for themselves.

Maybe when he is done being mayor of NYC, he can move to Boston where he can openly root for his beloved Red Sox.

Is that the low bar for predatory behavior? Answering the door with the door with your dick hanging out! Hitting on someone you know is straight just to feed your own ego is loathsome! If a straight person did that to a gay person I am sure you would not approve.

I think you mean Zoey Deutch.

You are correct. Anyone who has read even a little about the sexual harassment and all the other issues with the Cuban’s hand-picked Mavericks executives should want nothing to do with this fool.

I hope she only gets probation and a lot of community service.  Aunt Becky on the other hand, should definitely go to jail

I think that is a legitimate question along with why did the mother ever take up with this piece of human filth!

Good Riddance!

Did his dumb ass not know that Seth Myers is Jewish?