
They are concerned about her?  The elder Kushner is a convicted felon. Her parents should be concerned!

Love Joe Biden, even though he has yet to apologize to Anita Hill. He should stay retired . He is too old to be president.

I was thinking the same thing. It makes my stomach queasy thinking about it.

I don’t think he does. He was always extremely thirsty when he and Sofia were together. His background is in some sort of boring business but he was always trying to use her to get into show business.

Russell Wilson is as serious upgrade from Future.  Future seems like a petulant, bitter asshole.

Kim might have displayed some ignorance about the braids but she has the right to wear her hair any way she wants. BTW, why are black women allowed to straighten their hair get get weaves that look like Asian hair but a white woman can’t wear braids? Can’t have it both ways!!

Whys is Odell Beckham Jr. on the cover? Nothing the least bit appealing about this guy.

No apologies necessary. He paid some friends to beat that girl! Everybody knows that except you.

You forgot Kelly Jenrette who was nominated from Handmaids Tale.

WRONG!  Try again...

You have to give it to her, she takes a good mug shot.

Too late. The fact that she does not believe her children makes her a bad mother.

You are correct about Oprah but others like Tory Burch were born rich and then married richer. Her ex fronted her to millions to start her little empire.

Not a racist. Just a realist!!! Try it sometime.

Anyone who does not believe Shady is involved in this is delusional.

Are you crazy? Have you seen the download records that Drake has broken? He’s doing fine! BTW, he does support his child!!!

Nope. Non-whites know better!

Dinesh D’Souza was never Governor of Louisiana. You are thinking of Bobby Jindal.

Mel B. desperately needs the tour after her divorce. BTW, this divorce is from a man both her mother and sister warned her about marrying. She’s not too bright!

It was blatantly disrespectful to not print her name!