
Are you a woman? I left an abusive relationship and got shit for not being loyal. I also got shit for not leaving sooner. There is no right way to exist.

I didn’t necessarily want her to punch him in the face, but I absolutely want her to punch him in the face.

Aside from all of the relevant things I think make him a terrible POTUS/leader, he is just tacky. as. fuck. The gold. The poorly fitted suits. The hair. God, even his mistresses.

hes going to pitch for slavery isnt he.

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

Over 2000 law profs and a retired SCOTUS republican justice spoke out and it didn’t make any difference

America’s police officers have earned the everlasting gratitude of our Nation. In moments of danger & despair you are the reason we never lose hope – because there are men & women in uniform who face down evil & stand for all that is GOOD and JUST and DECENT and RIGHT!”

Looked for India, landed on Hispanola, said “mine”, raped and killed a bunch of natives, Italian hero.

“To emphasize the heroism of Columbus and his successors as navigators and discoverers, and to deemphasize their genocide, is not a technical necessity but an ideological choice. It serves–unwittingly–to justify what was done.” -Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States

Fuck Trump, and fuck his celebration

‘we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, & celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.’

Sigh, I miss the binders full of women days. It was so simple back then. 

Hm, I wonder if those law clerks fit the physical type he is reported to have.

Hiring all woman and coaching young girls won’t erase the memory of what you did Bart.

“Every day, our police officers race into darkened allies

Evangelical women have been brainwashed to believe their bodies are not their own, so if they are harassed or assaulted, they must have done something to deserve it by tempting men into sin. I recently read a sad article from someone who grew up in an evangelical family, and that’s the sort of stuff they teach them.

That’s been my thing the entire time. If this is 100% false and so offensive and life-ruining, where’s the legal action? Should be a slam dunk. Huh.

You know what has been pissing me off lately?  There is already a remedy in the law for someone making “baseless” accusations which cause you damage.  It’s called suing for defamation.  That has not stopped being an option!  If someone lies and said you did something that you didn’t do, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 


Tell me more about how men’s lives are ruined by rape accusations, and women only do it for that sweet rape money.