Schwag 2.0

Every time I’ve seen Hart in an interview, talk show, or YouTube clip, he’s 100% committed to being the loudest person in the room and being the center of attention. He talks over other guests and works to make it all about him. It’s not at all surprising that he considers a “friend” of 10 years nothing more than

What a tiny little dick he is. 

This. Never figured out how the mistresses-now-wives figure they’ll stop once they get married.

One day he’ll find his calling as the host of a telethon for Short Man Syndrome.

When all of this first broke people were pointing out he got with his current wife while he was still with his first. So even tho it's shitty for all of this to happen while pregnant, if they'll cheat with you they'll cheat on you

I wouldn’t watch a Kevin Hart comedy special because I don’t find him the least bit funny but the fact that he got paid untold millions for this is just disgusting. I know they are going to do whatever they think will make them money but I am still disappointed in Netflix for doing so. I’m not really ever going to

I’m sure “the lowest moment” of Kevin Hart’s life was not when he cheated, but when he got caught. And if his partner had never confronted him, he’d carry on with his shitty philandering and never give it another thought. In my experience, this is how most dudes function. 

Kevin Hart is gross. In that episode he introduces his team and one of them is his trainer/friend of 10 years/fitness director, Voss. He trains kevin and also helps direct and negotiate any fitness campaigns or fitness magazine shoots that kevin does. Wellllllll at the end of the episode they are on a private jet

Dude shoved a ballet slipper inside a gray sock, glued a thin sole to it, and called it a day. Those shoes look like they would blast apart into their constituent fibers after 100 steps.

That house is a trashy, tacky monstrosity. Holy fucking shitballs that thing is ugly and needs to die in a fire.

They are famous for a poorly made sex tape they released, of course they are always going to be tacky and gauche as shit.

I just don’t understand their need to broadcast that kind of excessive wealth constantly.

Meanwhile, Kim and Kanye bought their 6-year-old daughter Michael Jackson’s jacket for at least $200,000. Because she likes Michael Jackson. Sure. Many kids do. That's great. Simply terrific.

Nice to see Ol’Randy is still nestled in the bosom of the family while the media continues to treat Meghan horrendously. Can we cancel royalty now? 

It looks like they’re “Weekend at Bernie’s” -ing him. 

less than one half of an ounce of marijuana worth approximately $45”

“Christmas is just around the corner and I thought this is the best time and opportunity to remind people that I might kill all of you” — Kevin Spacey

Philip looks like he’s on his way to dinner of liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

I find it funny that Prince Phillip and Baby Yoda are both trending today.