Schwag 2.0

The Laker girls do so uhhhhh yes you totally are 

Oh shit are you going to be upset when you find out about cheerleaders!

I think about this ALL the time when seeing women with short shorts sitting on subway seats. 

Money buys a lot. And pulling it out twice in one year is a bit much. I remember when she used to bitch all the time about people not taking her seriously enough and focusing on her body, and that’s all she seems to do lately.

She spent a lot of money to transition from being Latina to looking like a white woman who wishes she was Latina leave her alone lol

. . . seizure resulting from what? It’s not like natural causes are causing these dumbass deaths. Plus, a xxxtenacion tribute song titled “Legends” kiiiinda gives me a knee jerk reaction about this headline of “Thaaaaat’s a shame.” Maybe this current group of super young, violent, drugged out, women beating, child

oh jlo...

I hate trucks (and SUVs), but at least you plan on doing actual truck stuff with your truck. So many people drive trucks but use them as if they were sedans. I’ve seen business men wearing expensive shirts - with french cuffs - and silk ties driving huge, immaculate pick-ups that they’ve probably never used for

For Ivanka, it was all business — building the Trump brand, the presidential campaign, and now the White House. She treated her father with a degree of detachment, even irony, going so far as to make fun of his comb-over to others. She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate — a

He absolutely thinks that’s “some kind of Egyptian symbol, like for a pharaoh or something.”

LOL. You think anyone in his circle tells him anything negative? Oh sweet summer child.

I love how interior designers, stylists etc must think, “these people can be conned into almost any batshit crazy idea, and Mama needs a trip to Tahiti”. 

Also with a lady symbol right in the logo!  ...If he knows what it means, I guess.

imma call bullshit on this brand because there's no WAY Trump thinks something labeled "Bronx" is classy enough for him.

Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.

for those “heavy flow” days

Why choose to be orange, though? It's not flattering at all, and vanity is Trump's thing. Maybe it turns Ivanka on?

I didn’t pick up on the patriarchy vibes much at all until this article mentioned it, though I definitely see now how it comes across as “man buys his wife a ‘you better stay thin’ xmas gift”. For me it was always the late-stage-capitalism THISISWHATIAMNOW eyes the woman has as she slowly becomes enslaved by a robot s

He’s a cheese food product slice on white bread dabbed with store-brand mayo. He’s dying to cash in on the 15 seconds of fame this ad got.