Schwag 2.0

Sure why not logging? Logs are great! They roll down stairs, alone or in pairs, and roll over your neighbors dog. They’re great for a snack, they fit on your back, it's log! Log! Log!

Does anybody else read the name Stassie as rhyming with “sassy?”

So is “I just have a high metabolism” not an excuse anymore like it was in the aughts? We’re going for “I never workout but I’m active” now?

Pray tell, what do YOU think?

I’d say it’s Jefree based on how the user name is spelled.  Too many e’s.

going after jeffree for being a ridiculous rich person who owns and sells/rents luxury property

can i sign up this walking neckbeard and corpse bride to be the first 2 people on the spacex mars mission

Shane Dawson, the one with terrible greasy skin, who looks like a literal internet troll meme, is trying to sell make up?

Hi, are you Jeff or Shane? Just wondering for uh, research purposes...

How did I know after the first few words of your comment that the word cancel would pop up somewhere?

For real, aesthetics are subjective, but look at him for crying out loud. That is not a good look. 

I thought it was just me with regards to how Star looks very ‘dead like’ without makeup. It’s like he’s literally been drained of all bodily fluids. His skin has all these blue-black discolorations. I’ve often wondered if it’s illness, drugs or a combination thereof...

why on earth would anyone want to watch these videos? If I wanted to watch people make idiots of themselves there’s The Bachelor/ette or any of the housewives reality shows.

Jeffree Star always looks so terrible that I’m baffled anyone would want to emulate...that


And I want them to die pinned under a gas truck.

“please buy our stuff, we're not emotionally or intellectually equipped to have real jobs"

Aside from being racist trash/an all-around terrible person, Jeffree Star always looks so terrible that I’m baffled anyone would want to emulate...that. “Reanimated corpse” would seriously be too complimentary.

As someone who looks like a John C. Reilly wax sculpture that got left in a hot parking lot for a couple of hours, I’m offended. 

My brain: