Schwag 2.0

I confess I absolutely cannot wrap my head around the Smollett case. Like....WHY?? It’s just so astoundingly stupid if this is all true. Like, no rational cost/benefit analysis would make this even remotely feasible. Gamble your career and reputation on what, a pay raise? To be fair, I absolutely don’t get the

When even your godmother doesn’t believe you.

People who go through their own shit don’t have to prove themselves. People who are very public are some peoples only example of a group of people. So someone who is just playing at being something - whether it’s bi, transgender, whatever - if they do that in an extremely public manner and then change their mind, that

Don’t you just have to say your queer and your queer? That is my impression of how it works these days.

Yeah, I was thinking this may all be nothing more than a prolonged act of “rebellion” against a chicken-fried upbringing but, as you say, she’s surely seen enough of the world by now to understand such poses are lame.

“we”, come on, I’ve been open with you. I’m hardly a MAGA hat wearing anything phobic (apart from spiders). I’ve tried to be polite and certainly not disrespectful. Perhaps listen and engage with anyone who isn’t exactly like them. You can’t have a conversation if the other person you are talking to immediately

“you’re not helping yourself here.”

You seem to be operating from the misconception that I need to prove myself in some way to you or anyone else on the internet, let me be perfectly clear:

Neither my identity, nor the identity of anyone else in my life who’s opinion I value, is so invested in the trials and

Also reinceprupert, being a lesbian doesn't mean you can't also be horrifically homophobic.

you’re outright questioning her identity” no I’m not - she can identify as whatever is right for her. Asking questions leads to better understanding. I’m hardly homophobic, I also don’t attack people when they ask about my bisexuality. Getting irate with people who just want a polite discussion hardly does anyone any

“Again, feel free to judge her artistic expression. Questioning whether her queerness is “legit” because she hasn’t performed it sufficiently for you is bigoted and invalidating.”

Oh I have the permission of some rando on the internet behind a blind commentary account to do so? Ok, thanks! 

Nah, more like implying that’s how she sees it. Thanks for playing though.

How in the ever-loving-fuck does this have any thing to do with gold star commentary. Do you just look for any opening to shit on lesbians? You are literally the only person in the entire thread to bring this up. This is bad and you should feel bad.

I think that’s what’s so eye-rolly about the whole thing. She talks about doing things that are only really “outlandish” to time travellers from the 1950s, yet presents them as if she’s breaking down barriers and blazing trails.

Nah, it’s completely acceptable to question the latest identity of someone who habitually changes theirs with every new media incarnation. 

Yeah, I’m more in the gaycation camp with MadPiglet there. She can call herself whatever she wants, it’s supposedly a free country. It just rings as another way to scream for attention given her history of such. Especially in light of her claim to “redefining” marriage looking like the standard trappings of cis-hetro

Hmmm. That always seemed like a gaycation to me. In her long career of “Loook at meeeeeeee I’m so edgy!” that didn’t ever strike me as being much of a thing for her.

really confused about the LGBTQ+ identification?

She can fork right off with her relationship privilege and judge-y attitudes about why people get married. This just smacks of a young adult who started defining themselves one way and then realized what they actually wanted conflicted in someway with their definition. It happens all the time.  Working out this

I’m confused. As a bisexual woman then just use that word if you like dudes and girls or pansexual if your sexuality is more fluid. Good for her for being supportive of the LBQT community, but come on you married a handsome film star, it’s not exactly edgy.

Something about this reeks of Will Smith’s kids and their interview.   I am pretty much over these people declaring their own genius.  I think she has talent, but good grief.