Schwag 2.0

Colour me shocked to discover that Pete's tattooist gives away tattoos for free. What a mess.

I love that in the reddit thread there’s three!! separate comments about how dating sucks because the women in SF are too unattractive.

I’ve had 4 bikes stolen in the past 12 months. I live a block from 3 homeless encampments. I don’t blame people for being there - it’s obviously the product of a system - but that doesn’t make it any more enjoyable to walk through. I even spotted the remnants of one of my bikes there, but what was I gonna do, take it

One of the first questions I get from people who visit or move here is always, “So, uh, what’s up with all the human feces?”

YUUUUUP! As a Bay Area straight gal, I’ll agree with you 100%, The Poly folks and searching for a unicorn ( a bi gal that both partners can play with -and throw away -becasue good forbid the guy in the couple get a BJ from a man) Tinder for a straight gal is filled with travelers in town for business, poly men or

Only the two?

lollll.... cheated with fucking Stitches?? this guy?

He was also recently accused of kidnapping and assaulting a woman, so there’s that. I am as surprised as you are about him being marginally famous again.

Does dating BC make one relevant...

Random thoughts while reading this Dirt Bag:

Someone please fill me in on when Soulja Boy became relevant again?!? I thought he was a one-hit wonder from 10 years ago and now he’s dating Blac Chyna and being lampooned on SNL Weekend Update.

and does it way, way better. 

I had botox done once, for migraines, and I specifically made sure I’d still be able to use The People’s Eyebrow, bc it’s 75% of how I nonverbally communicate.

I simultaneously loathe her for the vulgar excess that is the Kardashians and their brand, and pity her for her empty life.

Kim K did not originate the not smiling movement.

Think about it: What kind of toll does it take on a person to have to make a conscious decision NOT to smile each and every time you feel joy (i.e. like finally peeing when you had to go really bad, or finding 20$ in last seasons coat pocket). And she is actively promoting this as a solution to aging .

To point one, I am sorry you find no reason to use facial expressions in life, but good on you to have a perfect face. You must be so fulfilled.

Kim avoids smiling to avoid wrinkles? It’s a good thing she is married to Kanye, I suspect that situation doesn’t provide for many smiles.

Exactly. I can’t imagine looking at myself 30 years from now and thinking “I never smiled, but at least I have fewer wrinkles than most people my age.” It’s sad.

At this point, I sincerely hope Kim’s trolling us. Because that sounds like a miserable prison of her own making.