Schwag 2.0

I prefer Jemima with her “Girls” hair soooo much better.  

r/relationships would cease to be able to give advice if that were the case.

You are an ass. Did you read the various types of vigilance she employs? That is protecting herself — but sometimes vigilance isn’t enough. See the  commenter further down whose drink was spiked by a friend, not a stranger. It is in a bar’s financial interest to provide a safe environment for all their patrons to have

RPDR season 1 filter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The shade!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess your town doesn’t have cops or doctors, either.

Totally asking for it

We’re not assaulting ourselves, champ!

He truly is the David Spade of the Millenial generation.

Adam Driver is my #1 true love idek what the fuck Jemima is on about.

Shortly after my dad died, somebody posted a photo to reddit that I had shared on facebook about the incredibly heartwarming gesture his favorite restaurant had made for him upon learning he had passed away. They used my caption and everything, pretending that my dad dead was theirs. It quickly garnered thousands of

Nice marmot.

Service ferrets trained to climb up pant legs. Nobody can sexually assault another person while a ferret scurries around their jumble-giblets.

Karma farming. They did it for those internet points.

They are the answer, but for opposite reasons. Like... I don’t need to cuddle a rando if I feel touch-starved. Dating?! Pah! Chopper and Cujo are master cuddlers, and they look at me with such love. especially after a long walk in the park or when I whip up something even slightly fancy for dinner. Honestly, my dogs

Pardon while I got all ‘guy like’ all of a sudden but...

Service dogs just might be the answer to dating in the Metoo# era.

All that crazy banning sounds like what happens here lol.

I cannot understand the point of posting someone else’s picture just so people tell you how pretty A PERSON WHO ISN’T YOU is. 

they said that “digging through a user’s post history” was against Reddit’s terms of service