p.s. Fuck 2017!!
p.s. Fuck 2017!!
My brother has lost everything in this fire. And his insurance had just lapsed so he’s screwed. Fucking devastating. But he’s safe and alive so we’re trying to just focus on that right now.
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, PLEASE STOP BUYING PUFFER COATS AND COATS STUFFED WITH DOWN!!! Unless it is synthetic or comes from a very reputable brand, you are wearing coats made from the sheer suffering of geese and other fowl. They pluck their feathers while they’re alive, up to four or five times per year…
Awesome. It’s good to know that a bird that is all but gone from the wild was snatched from some tree in the rainforest so that you could have a pet that amuses you. *fucking eyeroll*
Please don’t. Cockatoos and all other birds belong in the wild, not in a cage in your house. It is cruel beyond measure to keep a creature that is so intelligent and capable of flying massive distances in a cage just so you can play jokes on your dog.
Oh fuck off with your jealousy, it ain’t cute!
No that is a pretty ridiculous statement. Nobody cared that he got “hot”. He’s actually a shitty human being whether he has abs or not.
Yes he does suck.
Thank you. Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see someone calling out the posers on this comment thread!
You’re naming your house and land? What are you, 12 yrs old?
Please have some respect for the dead and at least correctly spell Heath Ledger’s name. Journalistic standards on this site are a joke! :(
Fuck this warmongering bullshit holiday.
You must simply love the taste of suffering then. You couldn’t find more intensive factory farming practices than the ones Wal-fart buys their chicken from. Disgusting but hey, it’s cheap (baaaaarf)
All your replies to the numerous patient people trying to explain this to you have been laced with bitchiness and arrogance. You are really coming across as a self-righteous cunt. And what a strange hill to choose to die on, you must be white.
Can’t stand this no-talent hack. Please stop promoting her shit!
Wtf? Y’all can’t see beyond your blinding obsession with this chick cause that outfit is one of the ugliest pairings of so many layers of “no” that I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing. I’m not denying she is beautiful but the girl can’t dress herself to save her life. Terrible that this is what’s considered…
Nobody cares about your crotch fruit!
Honestly? It puts a bad taste in my mouth that these parents are naming their children after the Islamic word for Allah. It’s disrespectful to the religion. It’s pretty clear they aren’t practising Muslims as the articles state they are unmarried, one of the biggest forms of sacrilege in the Islamic faith is sex or…
They had me until I got to the part where they walked out to Justin Bieber. Wtf?!?! Yuck! I declare this wedding lame but I wish them both nothing but the best, including future wishes of hopefully getting better taste in music!