Schwag 2.0

I just had to comment on your comment here. You sound like an amazing person and whatever it is you’re doing to help kids, thank you. It’s one of the most important things we can do as adults and there isn’t enough recognition for people who pour themselves selflessly into caring/helping/supporting the future of our

Just curious what is so “non-conforming” about being a sexy woman? Isn't she just playing into the male gaze? Bitch needs to take a seat.

Damn it that was a stupid knee jerk reaction and I regret it completely but I have no idea how to delete or even edit my posts so I’m SORRY for being a dumb bitch and acting like I was happy that ANYBODY died for ANY reason. My condolences go out to the families and friends of the slain police and I am so sorry for


Ah yes, Ol Glory.. Fond memories of buying dozens of flags heavily reduced right after 4th of July then burning them to ashes while screeching Capitalist Casualites songs. Sweet sweet independence ;)

Ok then- you're silly.

The wise thing to do is to shut your pie hole and go back under the rock from whence you came.


How delighted I am to see your writing here, Mark. I've missed you around these parts!

You are a complete idiot.

Oh, well I’ve got friends and family living in the U.S. still (I grew up in Missouri) so I may be able to finagle some discount Avon yet! ;)

Very true!

Very true. I’ve dragged my feet for years about seeing one but I think it’s time I bit the bullet and paid the fee.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’m going to try to find Avon here in Tasmania, I’m sure it’s worldwide!

Please tell me how to get rid of blackheads. I’ve tried everything!

Oh look at everyone all up in her ass again, like she’s the queen.

Something about glass houses, you judgemental bitch.

I feel like there must be something wrong with me because I get excited whenever I recieve one (I will admit they've all been from men I was already attracted to). Often I even send back a pussy shot. Reading this thread makes me think I’m in the minority...