Say what you want about NASCAR, but when you put a 43 car field on a tiny little oval you can actually get some pretty entertaining racing
Say what you want about NASCAR, but when you put a 43 car field on a tiny little oval you can actually get some pretty entertaining racing
I don't get this. I'm one of these "millennials" myself, and everybody I know wants to drive, whether they're into cars or not. Plus, the whole "car companies targeting young kids" thing is crap. (I'm looking at you Chevy Spark). Let's be honest, everybody in high school gets a Toyota Corolla or a Ford Ranger as their…
That thing has the worst headlights since the bug eye Impreza.
I never got these ads. The car already looks amazing and seems to sell well based on how many I've seen around. So why spends money to try to market it to enthusiasts who likely already know what it is?
Basically how my dad is. My mom used to have an early Mazda MX-6 with the manual, but my dad was the one who commuted in it. He loathed having to drive a manual car, much less an "impractical" 2 door coupe.
Wow, that's rather strange. I can't imagine why somebody would go through the trouble to ship an old camper van across the Atlantic. Maybe it had a customized interior the owner wanted to save?
Wow I know what you mean. Not to mention the lack of a view that come with sitting next to an engine...
Is it possible to get this to a racetrack a put down a lap? I'd quite like to see that
that thing must have a massive blind spot, but it seems worth it
Dale Earnhardt anybody?
Wow, did not know that, but it makes sense. I've always just assumed the car was originally from somewhere warmer. Regardless, I figure the road salt could probably eat away at the under body unless it's somehow treated. There's plenty of plastic bodied Pontiacs around here with that problem. (The roads are icy about…
There's a guy 1/2 a mile from me who has a rather nice one in his driveway for sale. Where I live all those cars rusted away 10 years ago, so it's the only one that I ever see driving around, ever. Always been tempted to buy it as a first car, but then I realize that it's inevitably going to break and I won't be able…
For cryin out loud, why can't they just stick to the original cherokee recipe. this just looks like something that'll be too big on roads, and too soft off them
This more or less convinced me that I would rather have a black town car than an MKZXKYVR4 or whatever that thing is called. The mafia drives town cars. People without common sense drive bloated cadillac wannabes