Absalom, Absalom!

If you are old enough to be propping up human rights abuses on the internet, you are old enough to understand the value of caring for others. If at this point you don’t, I don’t know how to help you. I don’t know if it was your parents, your teachers or your religious leaders, but somebody failed you badly. I am truly

Then you are monster and will be counted when the time comes. Eat shit and die fuckboi

Fuck you. We’re not being rayciss, we are defending our border from a foreign invading force by enforcing our own laws.

Were the parents arrested for violating federal law? were the kids brought into Germany by smugglers?

Keep hammering the point. No one is going to change the hard core base’s mind, but if you can get to those on the fence and remind them this is where the administration is heading, hopefully it will change.

Oh god. Grow the fuck up.