That’s a good question.
That’s a good question.
Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?
Cap’n Walter Crunch was court martialed for tearing up the roofs of a lot of mouths.
President-Elect Trump’s Transition Team announced today that Admiral Michael S. Rogers has been replaced by Captain Walter Crunch as head of the NSA.
I assumed something super gay because whenever a homophobe has a scandal, it usually involves secret rent boy assignations.
Dear God, please let there be gay porn in his emails. Gay porn he stars in.
It still seems like an ethical conflict.
Yes, but at the same time, in a weird way, stories like this give me hope. These choices are going to piss off his base. They were promised “change” and “swamp-draining”, but that isn’t what they are going to get.
Come on, pal, haven’t you ever drained a swamp by throwing more shit in it and hoping it forces the other shit down? Or something?
How can all of his children be involve if they will continue to manage his enterprises. Would this create conflicts of interest?
I wonder when it sunk in. Remember that press conference when he stood behind Trump with the look of someone who’d just shit his pants? I wonder if this was all flashing before his eyes in that moment...
Let us take a small measure of solace in Christie’s continued public disgrace.
Hey Ivanka: Guess whose shoes I keep seeing at the Goodwill?
Yeah, she’s rubbing it in. We got into the White House even though you tried to stop us with your truth telling! And she’s just as big of an asshole as her father. Just because she’s articulate & good at spinning doesn’t mean she’s not an asshole.
I find myself wondering how his expression would change if I hit the side of his head with a claw hammer. And that disturbs me.
Melania does not look happy...
mitch mcconnell is a god damn turtle i don’t understand how a turtle is allowed to hold public office
And Newt. we’re fucked.
In fairness, he usually seems much more energetic. Those photos look like he realizes he may have already had his last happy day on earth. I imagine that saps the desire.
This honestly makes me feel so much better for some reason. I assumed that he didn’t actually want the job, but this is as good as proof. Knowing he’ll be as miserable as we all will is some kind of vindication. Also, if he decided to just leave and disappear forever that would be great.