And somehow getting his legs above his epic belly.
And somehow getting his legs above his epic belly.
You say the word Gene around Steven Segal and he shits himself.
Frank Dux also claims to have been there, and to have kicked everyone’s ass.
Dammit JCVD tell us why you got fired from being the original Predator!!
Steven Seagal was also intrigued about engaging in a “training ring” until he realized it featured no shrimp or cocktail sauce.
Boo!!! That was the slowest gentlest kick to the face, didn’t merit such an emotional reaction.
I wouldn’t even be mad.
“Yo, check this out: JVD kicked me straight in the schnoz!”
Question is, will Cory Gardner remember he said that? So many Republicans say they won’t let something happen, then vote in favor of it a few days later.
Don’t forget the Republican Senator Cory Gardner said he will hold all DoJ nominees until this is fixed.
2/3 of Americans supporting legalizing pot, means nothing if 1/3 of those stay home, think both parties are the same, or refuse to vote for Democrats because of DNC actions meant to slow down Bernie, when it is election time. Jeff Sessions would never have been approved if Democrats ruled the Senate, for a lot of…
At this point, after 100+ years of Congress (and hell, the States themselves) chipping away at Constitutional protections, the National Guard of any one State is basically under the full control of the Federal Government already. Even so, to make it “official”, all it takes is a quick declaration of a state of an…
Yeah they both can pack their bags. No more words. Legislate or go home (I wish home wasn’t here but, hell we never see them anyway)
They do stuff worthy of recognition constantly. It’s always shitty stuff. ❄️
Because the private prison lobby wants to continue to jail non-violent pot holders to keep their profits rolling in.
Oh fuck you, you dusty old fart. I don’t smoke (or eat, I guess) but even I know it’s less harmful and extracts a far lower social cost than alcohol. Fuck off you old hypocrite, go find a /real/ problem to solve.
That’s the entire reason he should be voted out. The GOP is criminal, and their continued voting to fuck the average american is the proof.
Whoever runs that account is extremely on target. This was after the tax bill passed...
Coffman is my rep (sorry gang). We’re mounting a major offensive to get his ass out of office in November.
Oh, the Republicans are deeply troubled by something Trump did? Ya don’t say.
I wonder if they’ll make a bunch of impotent tweets about it and then keep voting like trained monkeys for everything he supports and refuse to exercise Congressional oversight powers in any consequential way.
Wow, for some reason I (stupidly) assumed the day/night terminator went along longitude lines. The curving is pretty neat, and, of course explains the radically shortened days above the arctic circle.