A Good Man is Hard To Find

Yeah it all depends on what/how they are taught. My daughter is 3 and can say her full name when asked, write and spell her first name, and knows my first when asked. But she goes to full time preschool and I reinforce education at home.
I agree, sounds like these kids weren’t receiving top notch care or education to

My aunt gave me some great advice when I was a single mom with a newborn, and people were giving me shit because I let him sleep with me sometimes in his first year. She said, “If you and the baby are alive and you able to stay sane, then you’re doing alright.”

I’m feeling pretty cool in comparison about my over reliance on Dinosaur Train to get these kids out of my hair. Winning!

Well this story could have had a much more horrible ending so that’s something. When I read things like this it reminds me that when I’m too hard on myself about my shortcomings as a mom, I’m actually doing pretty well.

That’s actually just the Catholics, and there is surprisingly no OFFICIAL doctrine on the subject!