
Failed Star is such a harsh term, poor planet must feel terrible.

Doesn't matter if its "intellecual aspect" is a load of artspeak crap, conceptual art doesn't cease to exist just because you have chip in your shoulder about being "low brow".

All the SciFi I read when I was young was terrible,but I loved it. But I'm not sure I can recommend derivative, crappy excuses for fiction in good faith. I don't regret reading them though, they got me interested in much better stuff.

Fashionable artist are prestigious, and then you get financial speculation on top of that. All equals crazy money for bad art most of the time.

The paintings are NOT the artwork. They are only part of a larger artwork. His practice is based on copying and altering other works, the artwork( however boring and rehashed) is about that appropriation. His art is more than just a picture on a wall, it's has an intellectual aspect.He's not selling a SciFi painting

Glenn brown is bad artist who makes bad art, and then wraps it in pseudo art wank speech. He is not a plagiarist however, he's just lazy and unimaginative.

Not sure I can even imagine -10 Celsius, let alone that type of cold.

...and now the Chinese ship is stuck as well. Oh well.

Channel surf? my mother can't stand it when I'm at her house and I "channel surf" so i guess it fits pretty well.

Excellent guitar riff!

I'm in.

Dry cleaning!

Loved this book.

Bizarrely amazing. Hope it reattaches OK!


That comic is pure deep fried gold!

Well I'm sold, Off to watch it now!

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, until I've seen more than just a press release.

Its amazing how strongly people react against this idea. Anyway, good work George.

Damn that's creepy , its like the uncanny valley of conversations.