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He will be as quick to condemn White Supremacists as he is to condemn Putin.

I think I can explain what happened here. Instead of trying for the shallow cross route across the middle — a throw that would not have been against Glennon’s body, would have had fewer defenders around it, and one on which he could have led the receiver a little bit in the open field — Mike threw it to the exact

Judging from that hairline he has good knowledge of fucked up clippers.

If you don’t read EVERY communication from Ole Miss in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn, and start every paragraph by mentally adding “Ahh say, Ahh say...,” then what are we even doing here?

Just to be that woman, the Americans have already won the World Cup three times.

Or just go man, maybe they’ll cut you

Gilbert has always been a crappy owner blessed with extraordinary luck.

“’Scuse me, darlin.’ I’d like to make a public records request.”

I can’t wait til Kaep caves, goes out and punches a woman and murders a few dogs and immediately gets offers from multiple NFL teams.

Not pictured: Jason Whitlock masturbating furiously off-camera

As superteams go, a Rockets squad with Harden/Paul/Anthony could be a legit Challenger in the West.

Man, could you imagine how many games he’d miss in a 162 game season?

His contract is the most remarkable considering how he ended his season giving up ON THE FLOOR, IN FRONT OF THE WORLD against the Spurs, without Kawhi.

holy shit! You can buy dogs that bite Lena Dunham? Sign me up.

Haha quite the opposite, I’m laughing at the owners in Utah and OKC who got even MORE labor control rules in the new CBA and are watching it hilariously backfire as players decide that they want to control their destiny even WITH the harsh monetary penalties. Whoops turns out the real boss is Nike/other endorsers, and

Three straight articles about regular-season baseball. Fuck July.

Can we just play through this Presidency?

It’s weird how we always hear about these calls for civility when a certain party is in power.

Now, Sally is a nice person who likes this website, but HOLY GODDAMN SHIT LADY, HAVE YOU MET THIS PRESIDENT?

Just in time for Father’s Day, Jim Tomsula has officially become peak dad.