
I doubt it would be required to unlock your phone. Probably more of a face unlock where if it can't see your face, or hear your voice in this case, you just enter your pin/password.

Looks androidy, ICSy. The bar at the bottom. The conflicting colors and simple icons. I dunno if they'd use android, they like their security through obscurity

Want something like live tiles for andorid. At least live icons or something

Google to french - "SORRY OUR SHIT IS AWESOME"

I don't mean to sound mean in any way with this comment, but, does it really make that much of a difference? I welcome examples :)

Ebay it looks like but, I clicked on the link and it just brought me back to the same site

Now, there's so indication

Was not there when I posted. Thanks

Any mention of date we could see that Nexus on Sprint?

Yes WiFi is a problem when transferring files on my home network. WiFi to WiFi makes me want to kill myself. However, make a really good point. I don't transfer files THAT often

I'd gladly climb 10 stories to avoid an elevator. Any more though its near worth the risk lol

I should quit Giz too then :( It's got QUITE a bit of switching cost for me. I'm looking at you comments!

Shooting them in the head seems to work for me :D

Curse you if their (CELL) service wasn't full of win I would have left forever ago

Out of the box I'd give it a 9 cause it's really just little things that are "wrong". With mods I give it a 10

Hopefully not troll! We all know how Valve likes their puzzles. Hopefully no one needs to be reminded of the Portal 2 fiasco with all them potatoes

TROLOLOLOLOL :) Useful for League of Legends!

I caught him (I'm however you spell the cats). He doesn't say shit!

Just like people would do if they got caught. Weird!

INCLUDING things Google would rather not see on the phone. Think Google wants bloatware or Sense?!