Evan Chambers

Always a fun weekend when you’re at the helm!

Confession: I think Super Mario Bros. 3 is completely overrated. I’m more of a Super Mario World (and now Super Mario 3D World) kind of guy.

Well, Toronto strips away some of the natural politeness we’re all born with.

I only ask as a Canadian that would love to eventually write freelance/part-time down the road.

By “remote”, do you mean remote within the USA, or can international people apply as well?

Important to note here. The Xbox One S will only support 4K HDR when it comes to video (Ultra HD Blu-Ray and streaming).

I believe that Scottish leaders said after the last referendum to determine if Scotland would remain or leave the United Kingdom, that them staying was conditional on the UK remaining within the European Union.

So I heard you stalked the Talk Amongst Yourselves crew... Or maybe they were stalking you? :P

I don’t even own the camera. I wish it was toggleable in this situation, since it serves literally no purpose.

This is great.

Did you watch the video? There are eight actors performing this time travel bit. 4 sets of twins.

Downloads and browsing in the store are broken images for me. Kind of annoying when attempting to find games.

I’ve been having an issue where every thumbnail in the PSN Store is a broken image. Nothing fixes it. Wonder if this update could address this as well.

My brother still has the Final Fantasy IX walkthrough from GameFAQs that we printed out.

I like The Marked Ones because it was a departure from the past formula (that was starting to feel really stale by the end of PA4). The people were actually out and about, and finding creepy locations.

I really loved the fact that Christie could see into the future through Toby’s eyes. They touched on it twice, and I feel like it could have been so much more creepy.

I’ve only seen V/H/S and V/H/S 2 (with the first being more memorable).

The Marked Ones, PA5, is actually a really solid film (especially because it deviates from the original formula of hanging out in someone’s house as weird stuff happens).

I was far less frightened with Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension than any of the previous entries (and like you, I consider, 1, 3, and Marked Ones to be the best of the series).

At first I thought you meant an HDMI out, and I thought “why would you want to put that up on a TV?”. Then I realized you meant HDMI in, and thought “you’re a genius”.