
It's not that they exist in the movie. It's that - as far as we can tell from the promotional material - white people are the central characters in a movie (fictional or not) about ancient China. In theory this perpetuates the deficit of POC representation in films.

I totally agree. The only way I could see "seeing the movie" changing my opinion is if white people AREN'T actually the focus of a movie about Chinese people, and it's just being marketed as if that's the case to sell the movie to Americans (get past the "foreign language film" hump). But Damon could've just said that.

Law is always more complicated by it's very nature. It's almost as if there's a fundamental incompatibility with the complexity of human interactions/decision-making and the necessity that law be consistently applicable. I don't dispute that it's difficult to prove in a court of law that someone was too drunk to

Rape is horrible. Murder is horrible. Rape of a woman by a man is emblematic of misogyny that has plagued all of human history. Using rape as a plot device in a story written by and centering around a man (particularly because of how often it's done - we probably wouldn't even be talking about this if it only happened

Either LeeLee still holds OJ Simpson in high regard or he's just a good 'ol rape apologist.

It's not complicated, bruh. Rape is "sex" where one of the involved parties does not give consent. If someone is so drunk that they can't process the content of a decision (I'm not talking about merely disinhibited, that can happen after like 1 beer. I'm talking drunk out of one's mind. Most people who've ever been

But also Bill Clinton and the Republican controlled senate and the fact that she's been a presidential prospect since 2007. Those sort of things will get you looked at a lot more than if you're just a plain senator.

Man, fuck Killer Mike for being reductive for emphasis when he's trying to make a lesser-known point in an impassioned speech.

No one watched the video apparently. The whole point is that people and organizations that are silent and don't give a shit (in this case about black people being killed by police officers) will only care when they have a stake in the issue.

How are they going to manage that now that we know as much about the Predators as we currently do? I bet a quick google search would tell me the actual name of the alien race.

Great point. I agree.

I am in no way shape or form a Trump supporter, but I don't see how a Trump presidency could set women's and minorities' rights back a hundred years unless the republicans win a supermajority in the senate. Other than much higher levels of deportation than we've seen under Obama.


I'm pretty much in agreement with the festival pulling this particular band, but your comment raises a really good point. I don't often feel like people who say inflammatory things I agree with receive consequences or be "held responsible."