Denton Suplex

I think it’s awesome that you know what everyone’s interests are! You are the one who should be running!

I’m a Sanders supporter and a young black woman and I agree with Effyew. I’m not very offended by Clinton’s response because she’s right. I think Sanders would definitely HAVE to have the same response given that his plans would NEVER get through a GOP congress. He would need a mandate (Democratic Congress and his

The face I made reading that headline:

Clinton is so damn lucky that nobody but varying shades of white dudes tried to run against her in the primary.

Nope, he was actually trying to get Hillary to spread her insult out to more people to reduce its potency.

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

She’s not a very good politician, which was always her problem in 2008 when she ran into the buzz saw of the near perfect candidate. She doesn’t have the capacity for the personable hustle that her husband has, and she’s always had a tendency to fall back on a kind of coarse/severe lack of patience. Somehow, she’s

Its her fucking turn, goddammit, and she is sick and tired of hearing this shit from young black chicks.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

Thank you for highlighting this video. Hillary’s tone is so smug and disrespectful to this young woman, which is one of the many reasons I am a proud Minnesotan who helped Bernie win our state yesterday!

i’m so angry about this exchange. this is the second black woman that HRC has treated in this condescending, paternalistic way in the last week or so. she is showing who she is here and people need to pay attention, especially the people so dead-set on voting for her. would you like out-in-the-open-racist-candidate OR

Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.

They should have been greeted by people wearing monkey masks when they came out of the capsule. Oh well. Still happy it was a safe landing for them.

God, could this article be any more insufferable?