
good grief.. the truth. Why has it taken so long to get to this. When Charlamagne was on her show I was like cool. When she was on Trevor's show I was like cool. I figured it was over. Noah went hard but not hard enough imo. Charlamagne was in the bad position of being able to be cut off and he was cut off repeatedly.

I'm disappointed you missed an opportunity to work in the fact that Banon said he's down with Satan in that last paragraph.

Brother, one of the facts you neglected to mention was that 70% of the men in the study said they would still go through with it. I know you're trying to rationalize the ending of the study but our options right now are functionally nothing. Its condom or vasectomy. There are a lot of us dudes who would like something

you can listen to it

I liked that it was about boobs, but to paraphrase "Put Yourself First", not in a sexy way.

dude Heavy Boobs was hilarious and completely broke the sexy expectation of a song with that name.

gd. I mean I remember that incident I had no idea it blew up like that.

Wasn't this shirt designed by some native hip hop group? I thought I remembered reading all about this shirt a few months ago.

oh snap. I just assumed it was because of a location thing but you're right. It's not that I'm different i just don't know the black folks round here.

You know it. I mean yeah traditionally we have problems being emotional but we are not without emotion and when you understand those expressions suddenly man.. that level of care around you just shows up everywhere.


you have my interest

wow throw back. that was a fun time.

crikes who writes like this? Overrated? This is almost as bad as the dude who wrote about how we need to stop caring about Lauryn HIll (

And I’m not talking about the type of fan who might reflexively bounce and nod their head if his music comes on the radio. And might even have “Ignition” on their Game Night Spotify playlist. No, I’m talking about the fans upset that other people dare be disgusted by R. Kelly.

well you're only a human of course you love Michelle Rodriguez.

oh that'd be rich. every once in a while someone thinks I'm a furry. If I start writing non-sexual F&F romantic erotica where Vin Diesel is just a good guy who welcomes a underground Asian drift King with no family of his own into "The Family" and they have bro hugs and BBQs all the time and share fries and stuff like

For the amount of money they're going to be paying me. I'll gladly get lost in Vin Diesel's glare.. and then go home and silently reaffirm my sexuality in the mirror before starting over again in the morning.

i love it. let the CW/DC love fest spread it's wings and fly on. It'll make up for a Superman movie where Superman ****spoileralert****killssomeone***/s

solid episode. I was surprised and I liked it.