
Well, nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’.

“a clearer financial picture specific to the vehicle” was his worst album.

Tonight there are unanswered questions about Preston’s vehicle, but the crash resolved two of them:

I’ll believe that when I see it. Trump still has the republican base on his side. Could you imagine how those Mountain Dew drinkers would react to impeachment that is so clearly motivated, from their perspectives, by political expediency? Good god, it would be a spectacular shit show.

Also, if Sessions goes back to Alabama, Trump can hire a new AG who won’t be recused from the Russia investigation and could fire Robert Mueller.

The student has now become the teacher.

This is how you use celebrity to affect change. The people who “speak out” at awards shows and the like could learn a few things from Chance.

where was the good guy with a glass?

New details that have emerged in the case of this weekend’s stunning physical attack upon Senator Rand Paul confirm:

Please, please, let us stop normalizing these two Presidents. The failures and ideological policies of W were vast, and they did lead to an untenable situation for Obama in the first years of his term. HW was not much better; when he was the head of the CIA, he negotiated the Iran hostage situation so that it would

Wow. Who knew you could make a person metabolize alcohol faster by making them look at a streetlight. If only we had these streetlights along our streets, we’d eliminate drunk driving entirely! Truly, does L. Ron’s wisdom know any limits?

Now playing

The line about a finger and pressure sounds a whollllle hell of a lot like Scientology “Touch Assist”