
Fuck Baylor, fuck its president, fuck its coach, fuck its athletic director, fuck its alumni, fuck its boosters, fuck the sincerity of their religion, and a special fuck you to the raping abusing bastards who should all be in jail.

Despicable. The university put a morals clause in the contract. They could have fairly easily won any law suit. This is a cover-up, pure and simple. Disgusting.

Vin Scully, rich asshole, fighting for your freedom.

Since he’s so passionate about government types, maybe he should look up oligarchy.

You had to go and ruin Vin Scully for me.

To the four of you who were waiting with baited breath for this series to continue, sorry it took so long!

jordan please see a doctor about the sports hernia you certainly got as a result of this strained sports opinion.

Seems like McAdoo about nothing.

Wow! This is just like one of those fantasies we all worked up as kids, where we’d be in the stands and the coach would see us and say “Sign that kid up!”

Kevin Love: McAdoo? More like McA-DON’T, amirite?! [awkwardly holds his arm up, looking for someone to high five]

Tom Coughlin would be screaming in your face if you didn’t kick that kid at least 30 yards.

Bullshit, I could punt that kid at least 15, maybe 20 yards.

Hey, thanks for asking. I’ll be okay.

How are you? I’m thinking of you and everyone else in our community who has to be a journalist today when maybe they just want to grieve.

Cardinals lose their 13th game.

Draymond has the worst luck. every flail of his hand/legs/feet in these playoffs miraculously end up in the same vicinity as an opponent’s junk. how can the NBA not see this as just a strange coincidence?!?!

All things even, Lebron is the one who put his balls on Green’s head. Very rarely do I agree with Barkley, but Lebron was asking for a cup check with the step-over.