Drew is so boned.
Drew is so boned.
Just a little psychology...
Jesus. No one on Bumble will ever forget how Maya made them feel.
Or the Dems could draw from the 80 million who didn’t vote in 2016. Those nonvoters, according to Pew polls going back several decades, are predominantly to the left of center. I dunno if that would work, but it seems more probable than turning voters who fundamentally disagree with the party on every major issue.
The worst is, “let’s see if I can find that recipe I forgot to bookmark,” and instead I find 600 pictures of the dish, 75% of which are the same fucking picture. Isn’t there a way to remove the entire domain from all future search results? That would be handy.
But for the first time since the end of World War II, the neoliberals are out of power.
Bill Simmons could not be reached for comment because he was totally doin’ it like Michael Corleone and Apollonia Vitelli.
It’s true. Today’s jeans are distressed and full of holes, like the Alabama defense.
The really strange thing here is the idea that any enterprise would pay Roger Goodell two hundred million dollars and consider paying him two hundred million more.
If Paul had been eating Fage every day, Boucher would’ve just bounced off.
It certainly is.
Mysterio is better than mine, but Jack of Hearts would still be awesome. I love the costume yet everything about it is completely crazy.
Moskovitz may be my favorite writer on the entire site, yet now I feel like less of a fan because I’ve never even looked for a pic or noticed her “low plunging top.” Now I’ll be a fucking creeper if I check, so fuck Rodolfo forever.
Hmm. The video is unavailable, so my morning continues to be free of fat idiots.
Y’know what would be an incredible fakeout, and might make the Justice League film worth watching? We get the Alfred scene, then an awful lot of high speed flying with sunlight reflected from a rippling cape and shiny boots, and then Steppenwolf faces...J’onn J’onnz.
Yogurt be damned, that’s a very good dog.
Final game? But they’re only a few games ou...oh. Carry on.
No walrus? Another Atlanta fumble...
Which one of you put the fix on the Tecmo Bowl simulation? I’d like to add that person to my will, because it was the first laugh I’ve had all week.