
I made it to the second episode and quit halfway. I'm glad people love it so much, though. I'm sure it's just me.

This gave him the BO clout he could use to lead in movies he's doing now. The same engrossing/wonderful/art house movies he made his name on like 'The outsider' , The Warhol movie and BLADE RUNNER 2. He hadn't acted in YEARS and in Hollywood, track record is ALL that counts.

He's a good actor and an extremely polarizing personality (to many)

The first rule of CHATEAU MIRVAL is…

Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.

Thanks for saying this.

I think it's been what….15 years? since I liked a Johnny Depp movie?? Oh wait. There was The Libertine. I think that's about it.

I can't imagine the shit he'll send Ryan Reynolds if he gets cast in the DEADPOOL sequel.

Should I play the first game? It's talked about on the internet like it's some sort of gaming holy bible. It's cheap on Steam so maybe it's time to pick it up.

I hope your Mom's doing OK now.

NATURAL BORN KILLERS is a legit great movie (even if its' wayyyyovercranked) and I still stand by it even all these years later despite everyone I know shitting on it.


He's a true artist. In a fairer world, he'd be the biggest comedic actor on the planet instead of Will Ferell or Kevin Hart or whoever moron is #1 these days.


"Wish in one hand. Shit in another. See which one fills up first."

I'm all for as much Tom Cruise action schlock as humanly possible. But does cruise REALLY need this? He's like 55 years old, what's the point of risking death every 2 years to make silly action romps. Can't he just chill at home or something?

I still haven't seen it but people in and around my freind circle worship it like the Bible. Maybe it's time I jumped in too. Snow Angels, Pineapple Express and Joe are the only DGG films I've seen and have liked them all.

AMERICAN MADE is fine and all but my most eagerly anticipated Tom Cruise movie is easily LOVE IN XENU.

It's reinstalling right now. After reading some reassuring retrospective articles that the game does get better. Fingers crossed.

Put it for re installation. Don't mean to sound like a loser. It's just that the MASSIVE comedown after the highest of highs of KOTOR was almost like culture shock. I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces.