
Good article Nathan. I do agree that there are a fair amount of games that should not have been greenlit. However, I don’t think that this unregulated group, each with their own personal standards of quality, acting as judge, jury and executioner is a good way to deal with it either.

It seems this group already has

This was the first episode I watched, fully, of FA:B when my friend had it on once and it made me watch the whole thing. Certainly one of the most disturbing moments in anime. This will stick with anyone who watched it.

I was always amazed with how graphically impressive they managed to make Wrex look (at less back then) yet the human’s always looked so off.

I’m not sure why Tali changes colour at the end of the video, thought she was always bluish.

Good for her, people are too quick to shout at people who make content they don’t agree with now rather than just ignoring it. Cry bullies are too busy judging what other people are doing rather than getting on with their own lives.

I’m glad this girl and people like her can still find an audience and ignore the haters.

I’d appreciate it if they gave me the option to hide games I already own on the front page. It’s a bummer when it gets to sale time but cant find things you dont already have.

I’d like to be able to turn off certain blocks like what “friends” are playing. I pick games that interest me, not because a friend has it.

Well who didn’t see that coming. He’s all nice and friendly in real life then goes home at night to troll. Sounds like a recent South Park episode.

Some of these complaints also seem to be from people who don’t travel much and end up being critically under prepared, such as “5. Lots of places were cash only”. Even in England, many places are still cash only out in the countryside. Complaining that there are no English TV channels is just absurd. For everything

The lack of diversity in the “experts” commenting doesn’t help. 4/5 were from POPSUGAR

Clearly someone has discovered a portal to the Borderlands universe because this thing looks like it fell right out of the game.

Non-Gaming Content”

Let’s hope Valve takes note and bars them from selling on Steam in the future since they’re harassing Steam customers. From what I hear, it won’t be a big loss.

Why has the Z thing under his eyes turned into a villain moustache? The anime has literally become the worst thing about Pokemon now.

Nevermind, I’m thinking of recording duh.

I don’t know a lot about streaming on current gen but does it affect framerate like on PC? If so, performance could be why.

Wow, this post is so lame that I bet you scream “Make Pluto a planet again!” every time you see Neil deGrasse Tyson.

They’re really phoning it in with these designs.

I understand wanting to curb fraudulent reviews but Steam should be able to tell where a key has been generated for and separate keys out that go directly to the developers to distribute vs keys used from Retail packaged versions of games, or Humble Bundles.

For instance, I purchased the Pip-boy edition of Fallout 4

I dont know... is it?

Did Jason report it because it’s delayed or is it delayed because Jason reported it? We’ll never know...