You had legs!
You had legs!
Sure it will
If by judging you mean not purposefully ignoring race like pretending it doesn't exist is a good thing then yes
That makes sense
I just did and I look alright could go for a haircut though
Because one is objectifying?
But the ads they burns us!
So I am a giant bowl of froot loops then?
That is only one of many many things wrong with you
Yeah they probably were
That makes sense. Also actors and actresses that don't look like they're enjoying themselves is mainly why I stopped watching porn
Well yeah but one man's boner is another man's anti boner
Aw the "Just a joke Bro!" defense. I think you'll find that that maneuver has no power here
Disqus never eats comments you alt right dumbass
Well no wonder you're so confused you think that you are on the A. Club when this is really the A.V. Club
Try pulling your own head outta your ass first
That is both incoherent and appalling in equal measure
It was better than yours
It is necessary though