
Well it is a fact so there is that

How is watching Wonder Woman for sex appeal a legit way of watching that movie?

Check near the giant mushroom

It's Microsoft so who knows

I didn't mean releasing a console outside the Xbox branding. More like a console that isn't an Xbox One spin-off

Everything Old is new again!

Is Microsoft ever going to make a new console or are they just gonna keep updating the XBone?

Is Debbie Ryan a good actress? I stopped watching Disney Channel regularly right as her first show started

Can confirm. I know who zendaya is and have no idea what that first paragraph is

Hey I get my exercise! Whenever Enterprise comes on I run as fast as I can to avoid the theme music

Does Ted Cruz have to look so slimy no matter what he does?

Can I laugh at the sub human's pain though

I'm not sure what would be worse This administration's current aesthetic or if they suddenly got a good looking professional aesthetic?

What paranoid pablum is this

How is it not true? I mean it's a very reasonable statement

Oh god which miscast white person they getting to play the lead this time?


Putlocker any good? I've been looking for a safe and high quality site to watch things with

or stabbed to death on mass transit

As long as they hitchhike their way across the USA