Ooh darn. I'll edit it in
Purple drank, all in my brain
Lately things they don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss this guy (No homo)
Purple drank, all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
What ever it is, that drank put a spell on me
I can't complain about that
That's a pretty good looking album cover. Sadly I don't think the songs on the record will be as good
Well they would have to start actually getting better before I consider your argument and frankly they show no signs of improvement.
Well they deserve to look at their failure until they get better
I too quite liked it
Has any sitcom ever earned that trope?
Why did it have to be streams?
Also it's not like people don't have giant TVs in parts of their home where lighting is very controllable
I worry that in a couple years netflix will only show in house content
Hey that Knee jerk comment is skirting close to home
Well that's just sad. Where I used to live there were several smaller theatres that have a nice little niche carved out showing second run movies, indie films, foreign films and various midnight features. It can work but the management has to care
How is this meanspirited?
I'm with Will Smith on this one. Netflix is a boon for those wanting to find smaller movies without having to find a smaller theatre if there isn't one nearby
You shouldn't allow religious people to not get vaccines. That is a public health crisis waiting to happen
Does Star Trek have the best fan community? They've certainly got one of the most creative
But Boys Club is a fun read though