At least you tried though
At least you tried though
Fuck Gary Jules
The DCEU is really bad
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a mouth getting smashed —for ever.”
It is my hope of hopes that these lawsuits all lead to the downfall of faux news
He never should have gotten the idea in the first place
Elon Musk the notorious Supervillain?
Cavill's Superman does tend to murder a lot more then would be expected
Eww that's really creepy
I agree wholeheartedly. Men wanting better female representation just so they can frame the women as something sexual aren't helping at all
It's like hollywood think it's impossible for men to think outside the context of violence and sex (and sometimes violent sex)
My soul already killed itself. Now I'm just a soulless commenting husk
Hot Ginger Ale is one of the best drinks I have ever had. It's a bold drink that commands your full attention
I think you mean Hollywoo considering Mr.Peanutbutter stole the D and all
He's chewing bubblegum with the angels now
C.C Dowd
That is a horrible reason for his superpowers. They couldn't just give him regular magic?
Hey how you doin lil Trump? lemme whisper in your ear
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