
But don't you know that the info they dispense is simply addicting?

The Axe files with David Axelrod is great if you love interviews

I rolled a 1 on my perception check

Surely you can't be serious

You have a podcast? what is it?

The nuggets aren't free if you have to buy them

They're only the 26th richest so i'm fine with getting them more money

At least people are a renewable resource

Please I don't need Crom. I pray to Joe Pesci

It can be two things

The A.V Club

He was Christian Apologetics for kids. I enjoyed Narnia as a kid but they are really annoying to read now

Now you know why I don't pray to Batman

My path to Atheism came from reading Douglas Adams and Mark Twain. I also had an atheist friend in highschool and our conversations about religion played a role too

No I can't please explain

It worked really well for me

Look at you, some kind of Disqus genius

I winced in pain when she said that. I can't think of any man who enjoys having his member twisted like that

It was a good movie not so sure it is a horror movie though. More of a thriller really

I was worried too. But this mini series doesn't seem to be pro Ailes so I can rest easy