
No she is not. I'm with ya 100%

You know at this stage in my life a car probably is better than me

"Won't somebody please think of the Oppressors?"

Who here wouldn't support watching Carrot Top get launched into the stratosphere?

If the west coast selectively said screw it and formed their own country I'd be down for that too

I'm still not going to fight against it. Especially when the speech in question is White Supremacy and Racism

Or maybe don't sexually assault people under contract with you?

So let her keep the money

Haha yes you don't like Kesha's music

Why would she say Dr. Luke didn't rape her when Dr. Luke did in fact rape her?

I think Dr. Luke being a raping asshole is case enough

Why? Just let her off the contract. What's the worse that can happen, Sony gets less money?

Please tell me he isn't a racist too

I think it's because everyone has eaten a healthy meal

I'm all for that idea

It's not censorship if It is a private company controlling the content on its website

A Family Company

What's the matter with TV Tropes?

She is my problematic fave yes

The AV Club