I have never needed a chair as badly as that Eugene Mirman one
I have never needed a chair as badly as that Eugene Mirman one
But didn't R Kelly already ruin pee fetish?
Ok Loki
That guy is seriously messed up
It's like clickbait but in real life!
Yes they do I wouldn't say they are all playable though
I'm still playing a game from 10 years ago
What dimension does that spelling come from?
Quick how do you spell The Berenstein Bears?
I read that as neo-nazi-zoom variety and was scared for a second
Give me the slits the slants the whole damn thing!
If that isn't ironic I don't know what is
I fear you are correct. (Also I know it's the Slants I just wanted to point out the inconsistency)
Have they retconned it back to normal yet?
Man I hated that sterilization thing too! And it always annoys me when people start doing mental gymnastics to try and justify it to me
Well movie Stark is cool (being Robert Downey Jr. will do that for you) the problem is Comic book Stark is not cool
I don't think Magneto has been a straight villain since at least the 80s
How would that work for heroes with no powers? Would the machine just suck up all the Money that someone like Tony Stark has or the anger and guns like The Punisher has?
The Slinted Slants?
Its like they didn't even read the article before publishing it