
Yeah but they can't use him for obvious reasons

And the Academy Award for sexiest movie of all time goes to!

The Last Of Logan

True the MCU is a money making machine

This time it's Formal

Woah hold up they don't even know if this movie will be a hit or not and they already set a release date for the sequel?

It is not racist. Get over yourself. White people can't dance and you know it

Plus they are slowly making improvements if Doctor Strange and Civil War are any indicators.

I can't enjoy a Spiderman movie without watching an old man die!

That comic was so bad

Is it a craugh or a lry?

You mean you don't relate to someone being in outer space?

That's a pity

It is a fun page. I'm listening to it right now

If he's not serious now he will be in the future

Selling your body to the Soylent factories?

No we need some NASCAR big wig or somesuch

Hey as long as I can get my 2 minutes of hate I'll be perfectly fine

Do you like a bunch of increasingly obtuse shoutouts to famous literature as well as a surprisingly gothic sense of humor for a YA series?

I called mine the Golden Saucer