
Scarface Answer The Call

Yeah because it takes away a role from a group of people that doesn't get enough characters in movies. This Ghostbusters remake gives more roles to women which is a good and necessary change

Hell they remade the Maltese Falcon three or four times back in the golden age so this isn't even a recent development

Good you should give up

It did nothing to canon as you are not playing as Samus Aran

As long as we get close ups of Leslie Jones's bare feet

Arrghhh you beat me to it!

Ghost, Bust, Repeat

I don't care how pedantic that is because it is legitimately interesting.

well yeah that's the point

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Cause they are the cheapest scare possible

Thank goodness for those by the way. Little kid me was scared many a time by the ol screamer

Why do you miss the old internet? Screamers were a horrible prank. Besides the AV Club isn't about "Outlets to talk about how angry other people make us."

Don't be silly the internet never goes out

They also shot Kurt Cobain and Biggie Smalls


Nobody expects the dead gorillas

And they'll say Awww Topsy at my autopsy

Oh just make a new three year old its not like humans are an endangered species.