
Can Trump supporters even afford HBO?

He already did a segment on Trump it is where make Donald Drumpf again came from

So the first movie wasn't joking then?

Does the dog die?

Sticks and stones won't break his bones, but words will utterly crush him!

Oh God No

There is a nightmare in my Elm Street

That is much better then what I was expecting

Nutting makes ya feel good

Is there a sexy Freddy Krueger yet?


Only if you order the matching set

So instead of a Wiig we get a wig

Can I assist in that search?

Yes you can blame the voters because they are the ones with the ultimate responsibility to choose their leaders

Would that really be an insult though

I'd honestly prefer a pragmatic president who can get shit done to an honest one

Vin Diesel or the Rock

Cough Patrick Stewart cough

Is Dad Rock a derogatory term or just a genre?