
That’s why I loved MXC so much. They took the inherent silliness and hilarity of the physical comedy of the game shows, dubbed over a ridiculous script full of (usually adolescent fart and sex) jokes, and created a highly entertaining spectacle. I haven’t seen it in multiple years, so idk for sure whether it holds up.

Moon Hunters is a great local co-op game. It’s not perfect - some of the characters are just better than others, and the fire cultist isa nightmare with a group of other players because of friendly fire. It’s no EDF, Broforce, or Rocket League, but for PC local co-op fans it kept us occupied for a while. At ~45

CAH isn’t a great icebreaker, but it works well for established groups of acquaintances. I tend to prefer weird responses to offensive ones, though, so I’m not always on the same page as other players.

No worries, I do this all the time - it’s a consequence of having been born pre-Google ;-)

I love that this event exists.

I was wondering whether you’d opt for DOOM or Fire Emblem Warriors! You probably made the right call for general cultural awareness/writing purposes, though I’m a big sucker for FE:W. It’s a weird game that just gets better and better as you keep playing, though I guess Hyrule Warriors was kind of similar.

I loved Bayonetta 2 and thought it improved on the first game in every way.

I did finally buckle and buy the Steelbook Dual edition of Pokemon Ultras, my first journey to the Alola Region (and first Pokemon game since X/Y), but that’s going under the tree, so I won’t be talking about it for some time yet.

Not going to be playing a lot of games this weekend, although with Iconic Masters being released I’m probably going to get in a couple of drafts. I will, however, be watching quite a lot of people playing one specific game: Desert Bus.

I’ve been making a huge push for getting a Switch, so much so that my wife asked what specifically it does that my Wii-U and PS4 can’t do (what doesn’t it do???). Then she asked me how much they cost, I think I’m getting through! Just took 4+ months of making comments, I also like to believe my unborn soon is helping

I’ll be bringing the Switch to the Thanksgiving gathering, so we’ll see what goes down there, but we definitely played a lot of Smash on 3DS whenever that was out. I can’t see that still getting played this year, though.

Made enough progress in Hyrule Warriors to see that the irritating Gohma fight seems to have been an anomaly- the next big monster they drag out is a much more interesting challenge.

What am I playing this weekend? DOOM, is what. I just grabbed the Switch version, along with Wolfenstein: the New Order (and “The Old Blood”* along with it). I’ll probably play a bit in handheld mode, but it’s kind of just exciting to see a hyper-violent id Software game on Nintendo hardware. I also “eagerly” await

Going to top this off with a question since most of you will be embroiled in Thanksgiving next week:


I’m of two minds on this. On the one hand, I agree that The Witcher 3 suffers from the same map-based collectathon issues that most other open-world games include. On the other hand, its sidequests have a significantly greater amount of depth than others do (even including Breath of the Wild, which is praised above).

I thought the alt-right already had an official greasy, orange pile of garbage that makes your stomach cramp just by looking at it


The Deep Woods also has Dark Souls vibes, especially from the general lack of music. And Mount Volbono feels almost like a beautiful, weird indie game with its giant polygons and bright colors. In general, there’s a lot of interest in grabbing influences that aren’t Mario or Nintendo, and that’s a big part of what