
I hope you get FFXV! I've watched milady play a couple hours of it and it looks like a lot of fun! Plus the wonderful combination of Final Fantasy seriousness, Final Fantasy goofiness, and the fact that the heroes look like a South Korean boy band (minus about fifty members… those bands are huge!) makes for a lot of

When I read Dudes Are Delicious, I thought you were going to describe a comedy/homoerotic dating game! This also sounds cool, although if the idea falls through he might want to consider altering the art on the cards so the guys are all in skimpy outfits and well-oiled and giving it another go…

Christmastime! Meeting three students this morning (in my office, where I sit writing this entry) and then my time is my own until surprisingly deep into January!

D&D, Invisible, Inc., Ace Attorney (he said, deluding himself about his free time), and probably some mix of WiiU party games and board games (it's our all-day Yuletide open house tomorrow!).

It's a serious Disqus design flaw that it will only let me upvote this once.

I am in the last case, at the point in the investigation where I have to use Apollo's medallion and reveal Dhurke's secret by identifying his tic!

I think it's quite likely! The mechanics of the dungeons are fun, and the "drawing on the map" elements of PH are still cool. It's just that the dungeons are barely more visually distinct than the dungeons in the original Legend of Zelda.

That really is just the screwiest time zone, isn't it? I've never been to Newfoundland but it just seems like it would've been really hard to interpret TV listings back in the day when those were a thing we dealt with regularly!

That's okay! I suspect I'd forget this region exists myself sometimes if I didn't live here!

Haha, but I'm in the Atlantic time zone, which is an hour later than Eastern! So it shall be 10pm for me!

That's actually not as bad a time shift as I thought it was: I'm terrible with time zones and I thought 8pm Central was 11pm Atlantic rather than 10pm! That knowledge is helpful!

So far, I've really enjoyed the time spent on the train: I think it's an idea that cries out to be revisited and executed better, but it's still pretty fun, thanks in large part to the excellent train music and the terrifying monster trains.

As with every week recently, I continue to hope that I'll sit down and get back to Ace Attorney. Before the New Year, at least…

Those Witcher 3 DLC were seriously impressive: on the level of Souls game DLC or most of the DLC Nintendo's put out.

Gives me a real Eternal Darkness vibe!

My New Year's resolution is going to be actually showing up*! I got the closest I ever did last night thanks to my phone reminder, but by the time 8pm Central rolled around (it's 8pm Central, right?) things were pretty sleepy over here on the Atlantic coast!

When I replayed Minish Cap this year, I was delighted! I'd remembered it being "okay" (on a sliding Zelda scale where "okay" means "great but not spectacular), but it was actually a ton of fun.

I'd wager that one in particular probably involves him making payments on an actual boat.

Added the code to my calendar reminder! Thanks!

Good lord, I saw a Facebook argument between a dear friend and some Pennsyltucky jackoff recently: she was making a point about how difficult it is to get off of social assistance once you're on it (because being poor is expensive). She's telling her story in hindsight: her and her husband have managed to make things