Actually a lot of them are part of that club. Some of these people chartered planes and buses. A lot were architects, doctors, lawyers, and a lot of successful real estate people (make of that what you will).
Actually a lot of them are part of that club. Some of these people chartered planes and buses. A lot were architects, doctors, lawyers, and a lot of successful real estate people (make of that what you will).
Not confused, since they deny it even exists.
Some jail time seems reasonable, followed by a lengthy parole and community service. How about making them take a course in politics, ethics and the judiciary. Then they could visit high schools and give speeches about how and why they did what they did and why they are now sorry and plan to make amends (to be…
Movement to repeal the ban on felons owning firearms coming in 5...4...3...
A bunch of white people who think you can get away with felonies by saying sorry are confused as to what constitutes white privilege.
Whelp, they can be just as sorry in jail. Fine by me. Then let’s see them navigate the life of an ex-felon what with losing their right to vote, struggling to find a job, or a place to live.
Yeah do those people think rape victims should thank their rapists for stopping?
I had that argument awhile back. My response of “Right, but we started it and perpetuated it here in the first place,” was met with something like “YAH BUT WE ENDED IT THO.”
White people: Why don’t you thank us white people for ending slavery????
Shannon, you know he’s going to cheat and watch the Honest Trailer.
Don’t forget to check in with Sedition Tracker every day for a little pick me up.
For many, he was an example of what more equitable storytelling might look like, a model for how to create compelling women protagonists who were also very, very fun to watch.
BLM and Antifa were in West Texas making icicles and I saw one of the icicles and the icicle looked at me!
Except that it literally is news. It’s a new paper that reports how many binaries were found within 3k parsecs. That hasn’t been done before. It’s news.
The press conference today was emotional. The whole panel was getting choked up anytime they even mentioned the footage. The play by play that Al gave was great as he explained some of the things they discovered about the landing.
Uh no. The conspiracy nuts are global. It’s not just an American thing.
I’ve never handled a gun, but isn’t one of the rules of responsible gun ownership to keep your guns locked up when you're not using them? Why don’t the responsible gun owners ever call these nuts out?
It gets worse. Rep. Eberhart had to be restrained and dragged into the bathroom to stop him from attempting to physically attack Rep. Vanessa Summers.
This really is one of the great movies. Welles' performance, and that interminable final shot, are perfect.