Every single person who “invests” in crypto deserves the absolute worst possible results.
Every single person who “invests” in crypto deserves the absolute worst possible results.
How obviously lonely and sad your posing is!
Another piece of shit offers up his shitty, truthless turd to people who, unlike himself, have real lives, loves, work and joy.
My word!
“...an anti-abortion Democrat...”
Hey! Invest in Amalgamated Manufactured Slaves or Fantasized raped and Murdered Children Coin and such, if you’re amoral enough to have anything to do with “crypto”.
Somehow, CT manages to be, staggeringly and by far, the most absolutely terrible man to sit on the SCOTUS in the post-war era.
From the Xian MAGA gulag, the people who run the NYT will weep daily to their abusive jailers “But we always presented both sides!”
Remember that you made this comment on this story - and exactly what inside you motivated it - for the rest of your life.
Being flatly anti-union is as clear the mark of a simply dumb, bad person as being a racist, anti-abortion or anti-gay.
What a total and boring asshole you make yourself out as being.
“No, really! It was in Canada! It was some Canadian orgy!”
I wish I believed what you say, because you’re very correct.
This is why, when relatives or soon-to-be-former friends tell me that they have Republican-voting friends who are “not all THAT bad”, I explain that we will no longer be on speaking terms, under any circumstances.
Ha! You are almost certainly the same goon using another name!
In “Battle of Algiers” the French colonel said used much the same kind of inhuman, racist verbal nitpicking: something like “It’s not torture! The word never appears in our directives! It is interrogation!”
“I don’t bother with seatbelts, either.”
“I’m a total asshole, in the deepest AND most shallow ways it is possible to be.”
Can a set of genetic test be run on “Lindsey Graham”?