
First, did WD really say such a thing?

An important man.

Indeed, because to Xians the “best mothers” are the most miserable.

I checked your comment history.

Well, I’m older and, I can testify truthfully, it was ALWAYS rotten at its core.

I didn’t like the initial reports - thin information to hang anything on - and now am leaning toward seeing the customers at fault.

Sir, you are the one who sounds like a presumptuous, “bangin’ the shit out of that keyboard” “muthafucka”, actually.

So, both of the now two non-Texas people, or at least lawyers, say that they aren’t anti-abortion.

You’re 100% right (often, hard to manage!), but we’re talking about politicians talking to your “ordinary Joe” - and no one ever failed by underestimating the intelligence or decency of the American voter.

Too many Democratic candidates, despite ALL the evidence, are stupid enough to believe that ANY Republican is sincere in ANY way about ANYTHING.

By “a man in Arkansas”.

I believe Gandhi didn’t say: “Being a useless asshole never brings one anything but misery: deserved misery.”

The real prize turds, Proud Boys, etc., are actively looking for what they didn’t find in D.C.: police who are entirely on their side and whose protection they can count on.

Stocktown? It might as well be called “Shithole”.

Republican voters: it’s out in the open that you want as many votes of non-whites (and as many non-Republican white votes, if feasible, as well) made difficult of impossible, because you are stupid, petty shits who only want a “leadership” that, while all-but-openly contemptuous of 90% of you, is willing to flatter

And I have it on even better authority that income level, if extraordinarily high and of a history more than 100 years, and descent, especially if white and “Nordic”, is an even MORE accurate measure of racial, I mean REAL intelligence and a truly flawless measure of future success.

Checking your past comments, I note that this seems to be, by far, the longest and most involved that you’ve ever written. That’s a bad sign, sir.

Sounds brave to me, though the information here is a little thin.

Fan-defenders (!) if the British Royal family!  Only Pope groupies even come close to making me feel more embarrassed for other human beings.

He came in on a White lie and has been sitting there like a lump since. He’s the biggest oreo, the Platonic neo-Tom, and one of the lowest key truly evil men in the nation since then.