
They're great together. Bash and Carmen outside after her panic attack was pretty sweet as well.

The opening notes of “Dare,” the other Stan Bush song from Transformers: The Movie came on during the training montage, and I was on my feet.*

I was hoping for some "Yakety Sax." But then I played a few of the videos, and even speeding them up would still be just a bunch of dudes and pigs mostly standing around. I guess that's what the kids call slapstick these days.


I've been waiting for this since I heard Plaza talk about it on Colbert a year ago. Her and Micucci on screen together as foul mouthed nuns is all I needed to hear. I don't even need to know what the plot is. Hopefully this opens near me next week so I don't have to wait for VOD.


Pssshh. So? I once saw a werewolf drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's.

The Skux life chose him once again.

Nope. Keep going.

Is this how they disposed of Downward Dog?

Doomsday is the film of his I love most. I was wide-eyed the entire time in a very fun "what the fuck am I seeing" kind of way that I rarely get anymore.

GLOW is fantastic!

I felt the same about season 2. You're most likely going to enjoy 3. There's one bit I wasn't crazy about, but everything else more than made up for it. The character work is excellent. It's also one of the most accurate depictions of the aftermath of a rape I've ever seen on television.

All the deep probing obviously.

Sha la la laaaaaa….

Waaayyyyyy too long between posts here, Harris. Your stuff is my favorite on The AV Club, and especially this feature which you do better than anyone else. This was another great job. There's a couple things I'd like to have heard more about, especially The Right Stuff, but he does have so many credits.

Cocaine's a hell of a drug

I"m glad I pressed the One New Comment bar before hitting enter. Your PotA one is much better.

These are the days.
These are days you'll remember.
Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.
And as you feel it, you'll know it's true that you are blessed and lucky.
It's true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.

The Boris and Natasha way or the "squeerel" way?