
Bravo, sir. Bravo.


Upvoted for how ridiculously lazy this joke has become, and yet we all keep making it.

2 Broke Girls: The Next Generation

Doesn't really have anything to do with this but Pink telling L.A. Reid to fuck off and bringing in Linda Perry because she wanted to dictate her own future and be something more than a vapid pop princess is my favorite story involving him in some capacity.

Dr. Sam Becket never returned home.

Dammit. Had zero interest in this until that last line. Simpson and Woodbine together sounds like a lot of fun. There goes another hour out my week for TV next year.

Nothing to do with white dudes and rap which looked like it was the Newswire theme of the day.


The lack of upvotes for this saddens me.

And Four Loko!

Whedon's talent was being born into the right family and having a pretty good understanding of story structure. Other than that his dialogue is atrocious, and his ideas are all blatant ripoffs of other people's work. And no, there's a difference between "inspired by" and just plain stealing. His stories are all the

Your'e right. Bay's films do have more style. Avengers was a boring knockoff with even more of a generic plot than one of those shitshows. It was a big budget episode of mediocre television.

It can make a difference. It just wasn't any better. Joss Whedon's dialogue is just a 14 year old boy desperately wishing he could be Shane Black and failing. And every single character speaks in the exact same voice no matter who or how old they are.

Bow chicka bow wow.

Yup. Checked the time at several points during Avengers.

No shit, Internet.

Exactly. And if he thinks he's got better in him then I hope he lets someone aim a camera at him for that as well. It's crazy that he's only got the two specials.

These all sound like quick cancellations.

So with Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson both being unemployed, and the recent trend of resurrecting old sitcoms, we should be seeing a new season of Dharma & Greg somewhere in the Fall, right?