
As good as that finish was, the best part will still be the fact that we now have to say "Academy award winning film Suicide Squad" much like we say "Beloved character actress Margot Martindale"

Never go to Facebook. Never.

"We're all still beautiful and rich as fuck, right? Okay, cool then."

Oh the humanity!

Steve Harvey'd the fuck out of that one!!!

Never happen.

Who's playing case?

Faye Dunaway is so goddamn gorgeous.

Negga, Portman, or Huppert please. No Meryl or Stone.

Viggo was so good in this…. and Captain Fantastic is available on Prime in just a few hours if you haven't seen it yet.

I will always love you, Halle


As god as my witness, I thought turkeys chickens could fly.

A24 has just been killing it the last couple years.

Moonlight or Lion

Fuck yeah.

Slap in the face to Wapner.

What're the odds of that happening, ammirite?

I'm suddenly nostalgic for "Let it Go"

Opened with it.