
It's true. The evolution of Venus on Sons of Anarchy from rebel flag-waving, hate-filled, epithet-spewing monster to….wait… I may be thinking of something else….

"You see the shotgun, don't you?"

I'm with you till the end there. Don't think I'd ever describe Jon Favreau as a "studio director". If he had been then Marvel wouldn't have stepped all over Iron Man 2 the way they did or replaced him with high priest of generic mediocrity, Joss Whedon. The first Iron Man had spirit and depth like both Elf and Chef

Just Cameron's notes. In the middle of Christmas stuff so I probably won't get a chance for a couple weeks yet.

Hey. I scored a used copy of Card's The Abyss novelization for a penny (plus shipping) from Amazon and it finally showed up recently. Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up.

Marry me.

The crossover stuff was fun enough, but the Arrow portions were a perfect reminder of why I stopped watching. Stilted acting of dialogue straight out of a Beverly Hills 90210 episode. Is there ever any problem on that show that isn't completely avoidable or that people in their 30's shouldn't have anymore?

It's fun. Doesn't necessarily make much sense. It's stylish as hell visually….like some combo of Hannibal, the 1966 Batman show, and Burton's two movies. It doesn't take itself anywhere near as seriously as the people who love to whine about it.

Man, last week I commented about how much I missed Liv Tyler being on and how strange it was that she was still getting full credit despite being onscreen for only 3 minutes. But DAMN. The show pretty much made up for it. That was the equivalent of slamming four aces down on the table, a mic drop, and screaming

Seriously. That was just a straight up Legion from The Exorcist level of chilling.

Like others have pointed out…. you can skip Rocky V…. it won't affect the story at all. But I would really make an effort to see Rocky Balboa first. You can probably rent it for a few bucks from Amazon or iTunes. Besides being a pretty damn good movie (and the best of the series since the original) it does set up


I was never big at all on the Florrick kids, but I absolutely loved the Grace story in this episode. It was just sweet and funny. I thought that and the Cumming/Williams material were both nice and balanced the episode.

Not sure what you're talking about. The ones I grew up around sure as hell did. And that's no small number in the South. They generally only knew the ones that supported whichever stance they were coming from, but whether it was hating gays or loving everyone unconditionally they knew their source material.

Mini Ghost Patti was gold.

Me too. I know it's not the most popular opinion around here, but I'm pretty disappointed by the lack of Meg Abbott. I'm actually kind of surprised Liv Tyler is getting full credit for the season when she's had…. what?… 3 minutes of screentime?

I hope they do.

I wasn't looking at the screen when he came on. For a brief second I was excited thinking that Tim Meadows was making an appearance. That's really who his impression sounded like to me.

I don't know… had f… handigwinging jackasses will probably be pissed at how they can next my poor brown ass of the world
Thank your clearling i t up.

Upvoted for use of tacks instead of tax.